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Legal notice for the general method of making available reusable documents
Binding nature of the general terms and conditions

These general terms and conditions, available on a permanent basis under "", will bind any reusing agent by the mere fact of making use of the documents subject to them.

Permission to reuse and non-exclusive transfer of intellectual property rights

These general conditions allow the reuse of the documents subject to them for commercial and non-commercial purposes. Reuse is understood as the use of documents held by the bodies of the General State Administration and the other agencies and entities of the state public sector referred to in Article 1.2 of Royal Decree 1495/2011, of 24 October, which develops Law 37/2007, of 16 November, on the reuse of state public sector information, by individuals or legal entities, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, provided that such use does not constitute a public administrative activity. Authorized reuse includes, by way of illustration, activities such as copying, disseminating, modifying, adapting, extracting, rearranging and combining information.

The concept of document is that established in section 2 of article 3 of Law 37/2007, of November 16, 2007, on the reuse of public sector information, and therefore includes all information whatever its material or electronic support as well as its form of graphic, sound or image expression used, including, consequently, also the data in its most disaggregated or "raw" levels.

This authorization also entails the free and non-exclusive transfer of the intellectual property rights, if any, corresponding to such documents, authorizing the reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation activities necessary to develop the authorized reuse activity, in any modality and under any format, for the whole world and for the maximum term permitted by law.

General conditions for reuse

The following general conditions apply to the reuse of the documents subject to them:

  1. It is forbidden to distort the meaning of the information.
  2. The source of the documents subject to reuse must be cited. This citation may be made as follows: "Origin of the data: Ministry of the Interior.
  3. The date of the last update of the documents to be reused must be mentioned, provided that it was included in the original document.
  4. It may not be indicated, insinuated or suggested that the Ministry of the Interior, owner of the reused information, participates, sponsors or supports the reuse carried out with it.
  5. Metadata on the date of update and applicable reuse conditions included, if any, in the document made available for reuse must be retained, not altered or deleted.

Exclusion of liability

The use of the datasets will be carried out by the users or reuse agents at their own risk, and they will be exclusively liable to third parties for any damages that may arise from it.

The Ministry of the Interior shall not be liable for the use made of its information by the reusing agents, nor for the damages suffered or economic losses that, directly or indirectly, produce or may produce economic, material or data damages, caused by the use of the reused information.

The Ministry of the Interior does not guarantee the continuity in the availability of reusable documents, neither in content nor in form, nor does it assume responsibility for any error or omission contained therein.

Responsibility of the reusing agent

The reusing agent is subject to the regulations applicable to the reuse of public sector information, including the sanctioning regime set forth in article 11 of Law 37/2007, of November 16, 2007, on the reuse of public sector information.