Electronic Office of the Ministry of the Interior

Acceso a Sede Electrónica del Ministerio del Interior

In compliance with the provisions of Article 12 of Royal Decree 203/2021 of March 30, which develops and specifies the use of electronic means established in the laws 39/2015 of October 1 of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, and 40/2015, of October 1 of the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, we inform that you enter the Electronic Headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior.

In accordance with Order INT/649/2010, of March 12, 2010, this Electronic Headquarters provides citizens with access to the electronic services and procedures of the Ministry of the Interior.




This site is identified by a digital certificate of the Certification Authority of the Spanish Public Administration (AC APE), of recent implementation, so you may receive a warning indicating that the website is not secure.

This authority has been recently implemented and some browsers do not have the necessary root certificate installed. To carry out the installation of this certificate you can access directly to the following link and follow the instructions indicated: Digital certificates