Internal Communication Channel

Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption


Here you can consult everything related to the National Identity Document: obtaining, validity, issuing offices, etc...


All information about the passport, its obtaining and use.

Aid to Victims of Terrorist Acts

You can consult here the aid, benefits and services for victims of terrorist attacks managed by the Ministry.

Asylum and Refugee Office

Information on international protection and the status of stateless persons.


Information on stay, residence and movement of foreign citizens and other aspects.

Private Security Personnel

Consult here useful information about private security personnel, requirements, qualifications, training centers, etc.


Information on the effects of the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union, within the scope of the Ministry of the Interior.

Violence Against Women

Information on actions for police protection and assistance to women victims of violence.

National Center for the Disappeared

Information on the alert system for missing persons.

Trafficking in Human Beings

Information related to human trafficking.

Hate Crimes

Police assistance to victims of hate crimes.


This section contains useful information about associations, their registration, declaration of public utility and other aspects.


Autonomous Body Management of Infrastructure and Equipment of State Security (auctions, sales, contracting of works and publication of annual accounts).

National Office against Sexual Violence

Direct link to the new Sexual Violence department.

Logo de la Oficina de Coordinación de Ciberseguridad (OCC)

Enlace al nuevo portal de la Oficina de Coordinación de Ciberseguridad (OCC)